If you love yourself it will be much more easy to respect others. The idea of self-respect is very closely related to self-confidence, but respect is more about what you do whereas confidence is about how you feel.
The qualities that we respect vary from person to person, and the way we express it varies from culture to culture. Generally, we respect people who have more experience and are more accomplished than ourselves. But there is also a basic level of respect that most people will agree is a right, and does not need to be earned.
Whatever you believe to be the respect, apply it to yourself. Be honest with yourself and develop your own opinions.
The persons with self respect don’t allow others to treat them badly. Moreover, a person who neglects his health fails to see how lucky he is to be alive. When you make an effort to keep your body in good working order, you’ll not only feel better physically, but you’ll also feel a sense of pride.
You should put the emphasis on things that you can change and improve. More you will understand about yourself and more you’ll appreciate how unique you really are. Stop pandering to other people’s approval and start developing your own standards.
Things that may help you to love yourself